Monday, March 7, 2011


Greetings follower(s) today I write to you about something truly amazing. Star Wars RPG. “What is Star Wars RPG?” you might ask. Well, think of dungeon and dragons, now substitute the dungeons and the dragons for stormtroopers and hyperspace. So D&D set to a Star Wars theme. I am far to lazy to explain all the in’s, out’s and everything in between of how it all works but pretty much, make a character, roll a 20 sided die and have fun.

With a galaxy of well over 4 trillion beings there are times when you play a character who doesn’t do much to stand out. Not in this case. Today I write about my current character Carthos aka Stimpack.

Carthos is a Selkath who was born and raised on the ocean world of Manaan. He attended the medical university and became a doctor of note for creating the Carthos Technique, an operation involving the replacement on the exoskeleton of a native species to Manaan. Carthos was eventually forced out of the university and the planet altogether for using questionable medical practices (operation without the use of anesthetic). Carthos took off in search of beings who would understand his reasons and found himself working with a Mandolorian raiding party in the outer rims. He had become a skilled battlefield medic, able to perform surgery on the field in record time on multiple soldiers, it is during this time he acquired the nickname “Stimpack” (wounded soldiers would be screaming for a stimpack and Carthos would rush to their aid). For his efforts Stimpack was given a custom suit of Beskar armor (Beskar is madolorian iron that is virtually indestructible) which made him a walking trauma center and welcomed into the Mandorlian family.

After years of war, medicine and seeing just how xenophobic the majority of the galaxy could be, Carthos left the Mandolorians to help the galaxy and to build a hospital free of government influences and xenophobic views of the galaxy. It was during this journey that Carthos caught the interest of the Jedi Order who were working with the Yuuzhan Vong to reverse the effects they caused the galaxy over 100 years ago. The last known sighting of Carthos was at a medical gala to announce the plans to Vongform planets.

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